Seal coating is a critical process to ensure the safety of pedestrians. Over time, asphalt is likely to develop cracks and potholes due to direct exposure to extreme weather, which increases the chances of accidents and vehicle breakdowns. In severe cases, the pedestrians can drag the owner to court for being irresponsible. Therefore, it is vital to seal coat your asphalt driveway, and the best part is that you can do it by yourself. A DIY process can help you keep your driveway in top-notch condition and prevent major damage. Here’s everything you need to know about DIY asphalt sealing:

Preparing Your Driveway

Before you start applying seal coating, you have to examine the driveway where you will use the seal. If you find potholes or cracks, you need to patch them first because sealing is only responsible for strengthening and protecting the driveway; it doesn’t fix the damage. Otherwise, these cracks and potholes will worsen, and the sealing you apply will be ineffective. 

So, to begin with, patch the holes with the help of asphalt repair kits. After that, cover the inner edges of stones, bricks and pavers with masking tape to avoid coating them. Most importantly, ensure that your driveway is cleaned and dried thoroughly so that sealer can bind quickly. 

Note: If potholes and cracks are significant, you may have to take the help of a professional.  

Starting the Process

After fixing the damage, calculate the size of the asphalt area where you will apply seal coating to decide the amount of seal you will need. If your asphalt driveway has been recently sealed, you would need less sealing and vice-versa. 

Then, apply a thin coat of sealer and wait approximately 8-12 hours for it to dry before applying a second coat. The first coat needs to be completely dry. Otherwise, the second won’t bind effectively. 

Note: If you seal coat a specific area by mistake, you can wash it off while it is still wet. 

Making a List of After-Care Services

Once the main job is done, your road may look new, dark and attractive. However, your job doesn’t end here. You need to maintain the asphalt driveway to minimize potential damage. Here is what you need to include in your maintenance list: 

Conducting visual inspections after every 6-8 months

Preventing oil spills 

Cleaning the driveway thoroughly

Fixing the smallest of cracks 

Eliminating standing water or puddles 

Sealing the driveway every year 

This will enhance the durability of your asphalt driveway and enable you to cut down the expenses of damage and repair.

Proper maintenance of your driveway will enhance its property value and eliminate the threat of accidents and legal liabilities. If you are looking for professional help, connect with W&W Construction. We provide high-quality asphalt for commercial, industrial and residential driveways and deliver a flawless service.